Chiron is known by many astrologers as the wounded healer, but I am offering a fresh perspective of the centaur that I hope can inspire people to commit to healing their innermost shadow so that they can manifest the life they prefer.

The dwarf planet is located in the outer solar system, orbiting our Sun somewhere between Saturn and Uranus. The position of Chiron in the solar system also gives us a hint of its nature…

For people who are committed to their development, Chiron can be a real blessing. Everyone has a core wound, a core limiting belief that is the result of a trauma (usually during the first seven years of the incarnation) we have experienced. It often takes decades for people to master their Chiron placement: because it is where we feel most vulnerable.

Wisdom is nothing but healed pain. We can gain plenty of knowledge online or by reading books, but wisdom itself is only realised through self-actualisation, through experiences. When one works on their Chiron, they gain the wisdom to then help others who share a similar wound to their own.

Chiron, being located between Saturn (the past) and Uranus (the future) can only be mastered in the here and now. What I mean by that is you don’t need to open the can of worms to work on Chiron, just focus on whatever triggers you in the here and now, because you are usually triggered by situations that reflect the automatic programming and misalignments in your perception so that you can enhance your awareness of the workings of your unconscious and free yourself from them.

“Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will control your life, and you will call it fate.”

-Carl Jung

For those who are not committed to the inner work, Chiron can be an absolute nightmare, because he will constantly reinforce those limiting beliefs and misalignments in your perception, which grow stronger the more you ignore them. This then leads people to addictions and other methods they unconsciously use to distract themselves from their pain. They oscillate unconsciously between the past (Saturn) and future (Uranus) without dealing with whatever the present moment contains in a state of anxiety and guilt.

The key lesson here is that the only way out is through. Your pain must be felt, it must be accepted and acknowledged for one to truly begin the healing journey. You then gain the wisdom inherent in your Chiron placement, which I now call the wounded-wisdom keeper.

The sign of your Chiron, the aspects it makes to your planets and also the house position give one a clue about their core wound and also how they can begin that tremendous work of facing their shadow, once and for all.

To book a Chiron healing session with me, fill out the form below and pay via the PayPal button below. Sessions are live, via Zoom and are 75 mins long.

Much love and thanks for reading.

-Rei Rei

Chiron Wounded Wisdom Keeper Reading with Rei Rei

Dive deep into your core wound with a seasoned Astrologer.


Published by Rei Rei

Rei Rei is an Astrologer, Author and Teacher from Liverpool, England. He is dedicated to creating a more coherent and compassionate society.

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