The news and media outlets have become almost obsessed as of late with the whole UFO/UAP phenomenon. However, they are only confirming something that we, in the spiritual communities have known all along…we are not alone, and open contact is coming, soon.

How can one prepare for the coming changes? When full open contact occurs, it is going to be the single biggest event in recorded history – this is what we all signed up for and it is a super exciting time to be alive.

It is important, however, to know the rules and regulations of the Interstellar Alliance (a governing body in our sector of the galaxy in which many enlightened civilizations are a part) and how first contact has been and is being handled by these races. The first civilization who will make open contact with ours will be the Pleiadians, who resemble us in our appearance almost exactly. Through our interactions with them, we will be ushered and introduced into the galactic community and become fully-fledged members of the Interstellar Alliance.

I have been guided, by the Pleiadian Collective to create this four-week, interactive course, which will prepare you for when they arrive. Here is a rundown of the four weeks:

Week One: Peace – We will be focusing on how we can achieve World Peace, Universal Peace and Inner Peace. Exploring the various ways in which our civilization is segregated and transcending those illusory differences, applying the same perspective to the universe itself and also confronting all the programming within us that snatches our inner peace from us.

Week Two: Consciousness – We will be exploring the nature of the Ego, Soul and the Oversoul Collective. Reviewing the space-time framework of physical reality, the purpose and function of the ego structure, the three bodies human beings possess and also the ways Oversouls merge to create greater Oversouls, soul groups and collective consciousnesses.

Week Three: Contact Protocols – We will be diving deep into the various ways in which First Contact Specialists are trained to interact with developing civilizations during this week by exploring the Prime Directive, Semi-level Contact and Full Open Contact.

Week Four: Interaction – During this fourth and final week, we will be showing you the various ways in which ET beings will be interacting with human beings by exploring the various methods of Communication, Activities and Off Planet Excursions that will also occur when human beings are ready.

The course contains PDFs with practical advice and activities, a video each week and meditations and visualizations to help drill this information into your subconscious mind. The entire course is prerecorded, so you can also do it at your own pace.

The course launches in November, but I am also taking preorders for it now. You can secure your spot by ordering via the blue button below and sending me your contact details via the registration form beneath it.

We need a group of peaceful and loving ambassadors, who are ready to show the ETs that the best of humanity is a pleasure to be around. This course is designed to create a group of people who can sow seeds in those who are not ready for this upcoming shift.

I am also told by the Pleiadians that the more people who take part in this course, the closer full open contact will occur. In a sense, you are saying a big emphatic YES to full disclosure when you take part in this course.

To take part, please pay via the PayPal button below.

Thank you for reading

-Rei Rei: Galactic Ambassador for the Interstellar Alliance

Pleiadian Contact Course with Rei Rei

Four Weeks of Pleiadian Contact education with Rei Rei and Anita Lena.


Published by Rei Rei

Rei Rei is an Astrologer, Author and Teacher from Liverpool, England. He is dedicated to creating a more coherent and compassionate society.

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