Stepping Outside of your Comfort Zone

We all have fears and challenges we must overcome if we’re to realise our highest potential. You may be in the midst of a challenging period as you’re reading these words. Hopefully, they’ll inspire you to step outside your comfort zone and embrace life in its totality. Life begins where your comfort zone ends; I know it’s a cliche, but it’s true. Scientists, in recent years, have discovered that wallowing in fear-based emotional and mental patterns breaks us down on every level. The more identified we are with thoughts and emotions that reflect our past trauma, the more susceptible we are to disease. Our comfort zone slowly kills us without us, even realising─thus; it’s anything but comforting!

Epigenetics, thanks to the work of the Bruce H. Lipton PhD, (a scientist under-appreciated his contribution to society) discovered that our perception of the environment signals our genes. In a nutshell; once we change our perception, we also change our gene expression. What do genes do? They create proteins, and proteins oversee the structure and function of our body.

Many suffer from with anxiety because their perception often signals their body to create hormones of stress. Proteins created by their genes won’t be of good quality as those formed in the stress response are weak. Those created by elevated emotions such as gratitude, compassion and joy are much stronger. This is because the body has more energy to work with when it’s not living in survival. The immune system is also considerably weakened when the stress response is activated.

When most wake up, negativity stirs in their mind, and they believe it unconsciously to arouse the stress response. They then resist that fear, which only creates more thoughts equal to it. This process is how people get caught up in fear-based thinking and feeling loops. Before they know, it─they’ve spent the majority of their day in an anxious state.

The fight or flight response is detrimental to our health and longevity. It uses up the bodies vital, life-force energy to secrete hormones in the limbic brain. Anxious people get tired quickly for this very reason. We must become conscious of patterns of this nature to transcend them.

A Useful Practice

Can you sit with your eyes closed for five minutes and observe your thoughts without believing in them? Watch them impartially─just as the clouds pass you by in the sky on a summer’s day, so do your thoughts in the sky of your inner world. The thoughts aren’t even the problem, as most of them are automatic; the issue is your belief in them. They most likely reflect your past and have nothing to do with who you are today.

These patterns are the residue of the past, which colours the way you perceive the present; thus, your body believes it is re-experiencing the traumas. Neuroscience has proved that 90% of the thoughts we have today are the same thoughts we had the day before; becoming conscious of your inner world is the first step to dissolving the old self─who survives on memories to give itself a sense of continuity.

Beyond the Comfort Zone: Perception is Power

Your perception of the environment or the memories between your ears are what triggers fear in the body. We don’t feel any form of fear without believing something to be true─please, contemplate on this for a moment. You wouldn’t feel scared if you didn’t think, on some level, you or your identity was in danger. Anxiety is an indicator that you’re believing something awful is about to happen to you when, in reality; it’s most-likely only happening in your imagination. We can turn on the stress response by believing in our thoughts.

Many teachers instruct one to be fully present with their fear-based emotions and accept them as they arise, and I agree. We must fully embrace what the present moment contains as nothing goes away until it’s taught us what it needs to teach us. Now, this doesn’t mean wallow in the emotions─acceptance is key to realising them, as resistance creates blockages in our emotional body.

The Comfort Zone: Integrating Fear-based Emotions

When fear arises in your body, stop whatever you’re doing for a second and close your eyes. Take a couple of slow, deep breaths to centre yourself in the here and now. Accept what is. Allow the emotion to be there, as it has come up to help you enlighten the dark tomb of your unconscious.

What most teachers don’t teach, however, is that we should also question these emotions after we’ve accepted them. I’m not saying analyse them with the thinking mind, as to do so will most likely only reinforce the patterns as the thoughts we have while feeling fear only reflect that fear. Be present and curious when you question the emotion you feel. After accepting the emotion for some time, you’ll feel your vibration begin to raise─when it does is the time to investigate the resistance as you can see more of what’s inside you when you’re operating on a higher frequency.

In a curious state, ask yourself questions along the lines of:

“What do I believe is going to happen to me? Why do I believe something is wrong with me? What must I believe is true to generate this emotion? How is my perception misaligned right now?” 

Once you identify the unconscious perceptions, you’ll probably laugh when you realise how nonsensical they are! And when you do giggle at the falsity cocooned around the core of your consciousness─you can no longer keep believing it. Awareness dissolves the beliefs automatically.

Making the Unconscious, Conscious

As you grew up, you were most likely influenced by your parents, school teachers and friends in a fear-based way; and most of this conditioning occurred in the first seven years of your life. The brain of a newborn is in a different state than adults, they are in theta, and theta brainwaves are hypnotic; children adapt to their environment through observation alone.

As a result, people have a plethora of unconscious, fear-based beliefs hijacking their perception. Why do I define it as hijacking? Because they aren’t conscious of them; people are generally unaware of most of the things they believe about themselves and life as a whole. Hence why they’re smacked by random waves of emotions and have no idea why their body is activating the stress response; it’s because they’re unaware of their unconscious perceptions.

“Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ─Carl Jung

Fear-based beliefs form the basis of all negative mental and emotional patterns. Some correlate these emotions to emotional memories, but that is what beliefs ultimately are because we only believe things result of our experiences in the world.

My Comfort Zone and Biggest Challenge

Early in life, I discovered why it’s essential to become aware of our unconscious perceptions. I was born twenty-seven days premature, and I know that being born so early can create complications in some of the babies organs as they grow up. Eight weeks later, I was rushed into hospital as Mother noticed I was really pale and hardly breathing. The doctors quickly scanned me to see that I had inflammation on my aorta, (the largest artery in the body, I think, correct me if I’m wrong).

That day, I had life-saving surgery in which the doctors repaired my aortic valve, and I’ve been healthy ever since, thanks to the grace of the divine, and of course─Mother, who’s intuition saved my life. Every couple of years, I revisit the hospital and get an MRI scan just to make sure that everything’s still in working order. Thirty-three years later, so far, so good, I’m in the best shape of my life.

Over the last few years, however, I was afraid to exercise as I become conscious of many fear-based perceptions around the experience I had when I was but a newborn. I grew up with Mother drilling the notion that I had a heart condition in my head (even though it wasn’t my heart they repaired, but the aortic valve). So, whenever my heart beats fast after exercise, my body would automatically go into panic mode—not exercising become a comfort zone for me. I was scared to walk up steep hills, go running or even climb stairs at one point.

Anything that could trigger my heart rate to go up, I tried to avoid because I somehow believed they would give me a heart attack, when, in fact, the complete opposite is the truth. This comfort zone would have depleted my health significantly if I stayed in it because exercise is good for the heart. I read that just twenty minutes of walking, five times a week can lower your chances of a stroke or heart attack by 30%. Our heart is a muscle, and it wants to pump, not out of fear, but due to exercising in joy─staying physically active is a fundamental key to a healthy life.

Fear-based Beliefs are Lies

I believed if I avoided exercise that I’d be safe. Yet, avoiding exercising broke my body down; I become weak. My muscles were sore all the time. I laid in bed a lot, doing nothing. I was under the regime of this unconscious perception and had no idea. Imagine if I would have stayed in that pattern for another ten years? I’d probably weigh about 400 lbs by the time I was 40!

Now, if I wouldn’t have questioned my fear, then I wouldn’t have become aware of this deadly, yet illogical pattern that was controlling my behaviour. Avoiding the ordinary, everyday things of life is never the way forward. Push through the fear and do them anyway, because every time you avoid something out of fear, you reinforce those fears within yourself even more. In modern psychology, this process is called safety behaviours. 

For years, I’d suffer from anxiety; heart palpitations, dizziness, vomiting, you name it. And truth be told I’m still on the healing path as I believe healing and the expansion of consciousness never ends. Ultimately, it was the erroneous belief that I had something wrong with my heart that was the source of my grief.

Transcending my comfort zone has helped me see how beautiful I truly am.

In Japanese culture, Kintsugi (金継ぎ, “golden joinery”), also known as Kintsukuroi (金繕い, “golden repair”), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique.

To me, my heart is more beautiful now; it’s has been filled with the radiant gold of divine love and joy. I’m truly blessed and thankful to be here, writing this blog for you. I also believe this is why it happened to me, as there are no accidents in life. I went through all that trauma to be able to speak and write from my own experiences for you. I genuinely believe that if I never the life-saving surgery that I wouldn’t have written my book, The Labyrinth: Rewiring the Nodes in the Maze of your Mind. 

Your comfort zone will ultimately kill you if you don’t step into the unknown and out of your fear-based thinking and feeling patterns. Dr Joe Dispenza, once said that just by feeling gratitude for ten minutes, we release over 1200 chemicals in the body which begin to heal and restore it.

Know thyself! Examine your comfort zone, with awareness. Question those patterns which keep you locked in the same uncomfortable state, day in day out. Just as I discovered how illogical it was to avoid exercising, you’ll find a host of irrational beliefs which convince you to avoid things you shouldn’t.

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The moment you begin to embrace a new state of being by altering your perception, you’ll start to create better proteins which will, in turn, improve the structure and function of your body. Make appreciation your heartbeat. Yes, it’s going to be uncomfortable initially, because your body is addicted to the thoughts and feelings reflective of your past. You have to be inspired enough to want to change. You don’t need to hit rock bottom or catch some disease to force you to realign your perception─change yourself consciously.

I hope this blog helped shed some light on how detrimental our comfort zone is to our health and wellbeing. May you transcend the illusions of your past and embrace your present, without distortion.

Thank you for reading! Oh! Please, subscribe to my blog for more multidimensional content! And click the links below if you wish to connect to me on social media! Also, if you like the look of my book, then you can order a copy via the Amazon button below. Until next time!

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Published by Rei Rei

Rei Rei is an Astrologer, Author and Teacher from Liverpool, England. He is dedicated to creating a more coherent and compassionate society.

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